The gift idea and useful at the same time is the Bad Kissinger cup made of high-quality porcelain from Seltmann Weiden. All the striking landmarks of the UNESCO World Heritage city, such as regent building, town hall, KissSalis Therme or even the stagecoach can be seen on this cup. The motif “City Views” was designed by the jewellery studio Malte Meinck. Treat yourself to this high-quality cup as a beautiful souvenir for yourself or as a souvenir from Bad Kissingen.

You can’t express your attachment to the city more beautifully. Retail price 14,50 €;

Available exclusively from:

City Marketing PRO Bad Kissingen Ludwigstraße 16

Herl “House of Gifts” Kirchgasse 10

L3 live-in-style Ludwigstraße 3

Fashion – Lingerie Ludewig Brunnengasse 1

KissVino Regional Vino Marketplace 12

Jewellery Atelier Meinck Ludwigstraße 14

SoLeb’icH – LadenCafé Ludwigstraße 23

Tourist-Information Arcade construction in the spa garden

All offers and campaigns